
The North American Mangiarotti Society

The Modern School of the  Italian Sword

Blog posts November 2016

Facebook Page

We now have a Facebook page at  If you are a Facebook user, please like us.

Glossary Added

We now have a Glossary on this site.  Our goal is to build a complete a list of terms, their English equivalents, and short definitions of their meaning to assist users of ​La Vera Scherma and ​La Spada.  This will be a slow process as we continue to work on monthly continuing education and teach…

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Our First Teaching Guide Is Up

... at the Guides page accessible from the pull down at the top of each page.  We expect to have one new teaching guide out every two to three weeks.  The first guide provides a method for instruction in how to properly position the foil blade when coming on guard.  In the works are guides on t…

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